With our heart in Italy and our eyes on the world

Production and Research & Development take place in the historic headquarters of Sassuolo (Modena) resulting in the creation of high-tech products, used in multiple sectors and applications.
The presence on the territory is guaranteed in Italy by the two Divisions, in Milan and Caserta, and abroad by two Branch Offices in the United States in Minneapolis and in China in Canton.
The distribution network, which spans more than 60 countries across 5 continents, provides qualified after-sales service and timely technical support worldwide on a daily basis.

How to reach us

Via Marche n.10
41049 Sassuolo (MO) – Italy
Tel. +39 0536 99.97.11
Email: info@zanasicoding.com

ZANASI SRL – Milan Division
Via Newton, 9/A
20016 Pero (MI) – Italy
Tel. +39 02 3536593
Email: divisionemilano@zanasicoding.com

ZANASI SRL – Central-Southern Division
Via Zona Industriale Aversa Nord snc
entrata da Strada Consortile – Condominio Sviluppo
81032 Carinaro (CE) – Italy
Tel. 081 18658889
Email: divisionecentrosud@zanasicoding.com